Sunday 27 February 2011

A tribute to friendship


This time i'd like to take the time to thank my friend Tanja for being such an amazing friend. I've known you for about one year now. One year only but it is amazing how much we've been through in that time only, it feels like a lifetime. We've been to so many concerts together, we've cried together, we were experiencing great joys together, we were travelling to prague together, had crazy car incidients, sat and sang with hippies in Weimar, had so many own singing and guitarring sessions at my place and on the lake, useless trips to Erfurt which always turned out to be amazing. I told you all my secrets and i know all of yours. You make me forget my problems and I hope i can sometimes make you forget yours too. I don't ever want to lose you as a friend :-) You are awesome girl

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