Thursday, 17 October 2013
Rock on, gold dust woman! Meet Fleetwood Mac....
Out of all my concert posts, out of all my posts in general, this is one of the most meaningful ones ...
In 2006, so seven years ago, my good old friend Peter S. introduced me to Fleetwood Mac. His words still ring in my head "Check out Gold Dust Woman and The Chain by Fleetwood Mac, Maria." Needless to say, both songs remained my all time favourites... and Fleetwood Mac started to be my favourite band, next to the Rolling Stones. 2 years ago, Peter died, but for me he lives on, particularly in "Gold Dust Woman". And now, in 2013, Fleetwood Mac reunited and started touring the world...having 3 gigs in Germany, there was NO way i could miss it..i went to Cologne with my love, who also likes the band. Sharing this experience with him, made it even more meaningful to me.
Unfortunately, Christine McVie did not join the tour, Stevie Nicks actually said the chances that she will ever join the band again are very very unlikely. But the band had the same power as years ago - it is like time stood still. Stevie Nicks voice and moves, Lindsey Buckinghams power.... wow, did he have power!! He jumped around on the stage for 3 whole hours, giving everything, not leaving the stage for even a minute. Another plus..there was no support band - Fleetwood Mac started right at 7 pm. We only get there 5 minutes prior , we were in a shock haha...
I did not take a video, unfortunately i forgot my video camera at home, but i took some pictures..and found a video on Youtube (not from this concert obviously lol) ..enjoy the greatest band on earth. YOU WILL ALL RECOGNIZE THIS SONG :-))
M x
Monday, 12 August 2013
Summer post #1 ... Dresden and Bastei
Las post end of June... uh oh... time for overdue post number one... i have been really busy since mid July... my flatmate Simon moved out to travel the world... i was on holiday in Dresden... and have my boyfriend over for a month since 19th July... besides, i am still working ;-) Anyway, i finally found some time to least about my Dresden holidays.
Dresden has always been one of my favourite German cities, beside Weimar, Hamburg and Freiburg. It has been almost completely destroyed during 2nd World War but walking through the city you would never think so.. it has been rebuild in an amazing way, still keeping up the old renaissance style buildings... we've been out and about every night, lovely dinners outside on the street, next to palms...many tourists around..i didn't feel like i was in Germany... the weather was boiling hot too...35°C ...well, every fountain was used...even the Elbe river (see picture). We took one day to travel to the "Bastei" , an amazing rock formation about 200 metres above the Elbe, formed million of years ago. Totally fascinating.. even if we had to stop every ten minutes or so as for the weather :-) Many ice creams were needed...!!
x, Mary
Sunday, 30 June 2013
One week in Albion
England 2013 from Unbilo ontherun on Vimeo.
I first went to Liverpool and met Neil there. He showed me his home town and our hotel was located at beautiful Albert Dock - absolutely loved it. Liverpool reminds me very much of my favourite German city..Hamburg. Of course i am not able to post anything without mentioning the word "Beatles" this time and how could i not... they are from Liverpool! So we also had a little Beatles Tour.. 2 museums, the Cavern Club, Penny Lane, Hard days night hotel..
Next we went on to Llandudno, a seaside town in North Wales, absolutely beautiful. Looking at the beach and the palms there it didn't feel much like any part of the UK but more like California. Only the constant smell of Fish and Chips in the air made you remember where you are ;-) We had about 20°C but as the water is quite warm there no one could stop me from swimming in the sea.
On our second Wales day we were driving a little bit further south - to Betws y Coed, a lovely village in the countryside with a large river, waterfalls, stones and trees everywhere. After walking around for a while i found a hidden path alongside the river, it was so beautiful... that was also my favourite of those seven days.
The last days we spend in Chester, an old city near Liverpool, and ultimately in Manchester... as i didn't take a lot of holidays so far this year the next ones are ahead quite soon - just three more weeks. But believe it or not, i don't even know where i am going yet... oops :-) But we love spontanity don't we... see you soon
Mary x
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Düsseldorf Impressions and holiday plans
Monday, 3 June 2013
Introducing: The funniest and most exciting blog in the world - Crossroads (by my flat mate Simon :) )
This time I would like to call attention to my flatmates' blog "Crossroads", Simon had the absolutely fantastic idea to just give his everyday life up and travel the world for a couple of months (6-8). But obviously it would be a bit boring to travel alone so he is taking Bernd, the freaking bread with him. Bernd what? Well, Bernd is a German television mascot, appearing every night on Germanys most famous kids channel on TV. The thing with Bernd is, he is a very very depressed bread as his only purpose on TV is to make the kids tired and to make them willingly going to bed - as a result of his monotone voice and boring stories.... pretty bad eh? So since he is always depressed, Simon is now trying to make Bernd feel a little bit better.... and takes him from country to country to show him the beauty of the world outside the television box :-) The kids channel is based in Erfurt and we even got a Bernd Bread statue here, so he is leaving right from home...
Click HERE

Seriously folks..
Check out this page :)
PS: What do you think of my little artwork haha, i designed the header for the blog

Saturday, 25 May 2013
Eight Miles High
Inspired by Uschi Obermaier [ Top photo is me, second Uschi Obermaier - photo taken after her journey to Africa ]
Photo (1) by Daniel Bossy
Friday, 17 May 2013
Moin Moin...!!
Over the past view months i have developed a very very serious crush on Germanys most beautiful city - Hamburg..!!
And for job and private reasons i have to go there quite often at the moment - not like i would complain. Everytime i drive into Hamburg over it's famous bridges (did you know it is the city with the most bridges in Europe) i always get goosebumps... !! And whenever i leave, i have tears in my eyes. Yes, it is the big love i suppose.
In fact, i just came back from another busy weekend in "HH" (which is the short version for Hamburg), this time there was really busy as the yearly harbour birthday with over 1 million visitors was taking place at the time. What an experience!! I cannot describe that feeling in words, the one you get when a HUGE cruise ship - this time the MS EUROPA 2 - is passing you by blowing "happy birthday" with its horns, so loud that you think the earth is shaking....
At the moment my phone display is not really working and almost always really dark so i am not taking many pictures before i get a new one and the quality is not good but better than nothing...
Oh...and...yes, sorry... i must admit... i couldn't resist joining the Beatles Tour through St. Pauli having a Mc Cartney double on my side.... Hamburg, in fact the red light district around famous REEPERBAHN, is where the career of the fab four began.

Sunday, 5 May 2013
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Is this becoming a Beatles blog..!??
... scrolling down on this page one could definately think so. And it is quite safe to say there will be more Beatles posts but my life is not totally ruled by them (yet - haha).
I spend my last weekend visiting my friend Sindy. I met on the tour and i think it didn't take more than one evening for us to become friends. We both miss the tour and the music so decided we would have a weekend full of Beatles jam sessions in her room. Also, we took a trip to the absolutely wonderful Beatles Museum - the only one in Germany. There was a room which had this video game thing "Beatles Rock Band" and uhm...we got in...and never left it again. Well, we did, but not before about 60 or 90 minutes had passed haha. Got totally addicted to the game, oh the poor museum staff. Here ya go..probably getting a ticket to HIDE now...
Belgium (and a bit of France too)
I spend the Easter weekend with my friends Tanja, Simon, Briseida and Neil in Belgium. The idea was to meet in December but due to an accident that Briseida had , we had to postpone it. As time passed by, more and more friends said they are gonna join so we ended up as a group of 5, which was amazing (except for the fact we had a tiny Audi A1 as rental car lol).
We had so much fun, been out for drinks, we have been at the sea side, took a boat trip through Bruges and even went to Lille in France for a day, just for the hell of it to be honest. We had jam sessions in the hotel, having two musicians with us...ate loads and loads and loads... so that i am actually somewhat grateful for the flu i have at the moment because i lost all that weight already.
Briseida was already visiting me in Germany two years ago and we decided that next time we should all meet in Mexico, that's the plan then. Instead of posting pictures I'd rather go for just a video this time.
x, Mary
Belgium 2013 from Unbilo ontherun on Vimeo.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Even the best things must come to an end...
...two months of touring with The Beatles band ... it's over now. I have been to the last gig on thursday and yes, i could not hold back the tears when saying goodbye. It started with a misunderstanding, evolved to promotion, to friendship, to great times shared together with some amazing, fascinating people. My life was crazy... i have never had that little amount of sleep. I have been all over Germany within just two months. Bavaria, Osnabrueck, Saxony and Lower Saxony..and many other places...every weekend. Thousands of miles driven, thousands of laughs and happy moments shared, many Jack Daniels and Jim Beam with Coke, Ups and downs but mainly Ups.. loads of songs sang, CDs i've sold, videos and picturse i took but all in all... the best time of my life. And after living in Ireland, i didn't think it could get any better. Life proved me wrong. But as all good things must come to and end, this was no exception. I hope to be joining the next tour in January 2014 again and go to a couple of gigs throughout this year. What remains in the meantime are precious memories and friendships made. It changed my life, once again, and opened my eyes on some aspects... some new changes ahead again in my life... i'll take a risk, make a change... and break away...hopefully sooner than later... what's on next is my trip to Belgium for some easter holiday fun. I'll be coming from Germany with two friends to meet our friend Briseida from Mexico, whilst another friend from England is joining. A very fun short holiday awaits...
Pictures and videos ( I FINALLY GOT MYSELF A PROPER VIDEO CAMERA!!) i took during the past two months..enjoy the madness haha ;) i am somewhere in the second video at about 1:40... looking very err, high or drunk but i SWEAR i was just high on fun haha
x, Mary
Jam session "Help" from Unbilo ontherun on Vimeo.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Tour life - Hello Red Bull, Good Bye sleep
Some pictures i took with my phone on this weekend's tour with the Beatles around Saxony... i think if i go on like that, i need extra weekends after the actual weekends. I broke up with sleep and started dating Red Bull now...
Monday, 21 January 2013
Red hair and The Beatles or : how my life became very surreal
I wanted a change all the time, I was just not brave enough until now - it is a strange thing with me and my hair. Since i could think i always got a new hairdo whenever I felt my personality is changing in one or the other way. This way I have had long hair, short hair, black, brown, even blonde and copper hair and at times, some purple in it. Now that my life has changed again, i needed something to feel more comfortable with, something that describes myself.. and i fell for red. A wild, fresh and exciting color. Because it matches my life. Wild and exciting - that's what it became. Right now i feel like i am living two seperate lifes at once. One part of my life is the ordinary one: my job, getting home, go for swimming, do the things you have to do. The other part starts on Friday afternoons and ends on Monday mornings - and that part rocks. Very funny circumstances let to me kind of part time touring with The Beatles now. Yeh, The Beatles. Well, at least their greatest revival band, which is having a muscial with about 50 shows around Germany now. And this is not only exciting as for getting an insight into the life of musicians - on stage and backstage, but also it gave me the possibility to meet some amazing people, the band and the crew are lovely to talk to and so much fun to hang out with. I haven't smiled THAT much in a while. I still don't know how i got there but that i something i don't think about - i rather do what i am best at: living and loving the moment.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
2012 and New Years tour around Germany
By the end of 2011 i said "2012 can't be even better, that's impossible." I was proved (very) wrong. Not only did i find a new job, which i feel so much more comfortable with, but I also found love, travelled to Ireland (2 times), Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, France, UK and around Germany, I went to brilliant concerts such as Amy MacDonald or Train, made new friends and had all the fun in the world! All of this is incredible and fascinating and i cannot even wait for the future, there is so much more ahead! USA and Bruce Springsteen in June, for example. But the last month of 2012 has really been the best. I have been to Ireland to visit my friend, now he was in Germany which lead me to tour around my own country and see places i have never even seen before, especially up in the north, it was beautiful! And i never even knew how crazy Germans can be. All that time travelling i pretended to be Irish so Pat wouldn't feel too lost and it amazes me to see how friendly and fun Germans can be :-) Cheers to that and cheers to another happy year!
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