So i already posted about the Argentina-Germany match in Frankfurt (that would be day 1). This was part of my 5-day holiday tour around Germany. I swear, those were seriously the best holiday i have ever had in my entire life.
1900 km
2 countries
8 cities
100 incredible moments and memories
1 moment of a lifetime

Day 2: After driving back to Erfurt in the very early morning, i caught no more than 4 hours of sleep and even had to go to the dentist in the morning. However, as soon as i walked out i was in holiday mood. I went home and was wondering what to do now. I knew I'd have to be in Freiburg (about 5 hours by car , in the very south of Germany) in the early morning the next day. So i spontaneously had an idea... why not already go to Heidelberg? I booked a hotel room and 3 hours later i found myself in Bammental, a ville next to the city of Heidelberg. It was lovely there. Quite, surrounded by forests and hills, beautiful, friendly. I enjoyed being on my own, in the most peaceful mood ever. Especially the evening was lovely. Just lying on my supersize bed, eating Italian take away food, watching a simpsons episode :)

Day 3: After a looong and pleasent sleep i instantly started up driving to Freiburg, picking up my friend Christiane , whome i have never met before. At least not in real life, but we got to know each other in 2010, reading each others stories - that is something i did not mention yet. I write stories. It is my most passionate hobby.
She came all the way from Hannover, which is really far aways from Freiburg, just like Erfurt. We had the greatest time ever in Freiburg which i now consider as the most beautiful city of Germany. Not only is it beautiful in its looks but also in its mentality. The people of Freiburg - oh how very relaxed they are! You seriously never see anyone not looking happy or smiling. So many people started talking to us - in their very lovely accent :-) We had a nice quite evening in the city, also meeting her friend and went to bed not so late because Christiane and I were both kind of wrecked :)

Day 4: This day was insane. It actually was the best day of my entire life. We planned to drive to Schönau, which is located in the black forest, but wanted to go shoe shopping before doing so. So, in the morning we went shopping and - as always - gossiped about our hero - Joachim Löw, coach of the German national football team. We both have a serious crush on him and if it wasnt for him we would actually not even know each other...true story. As we went back to the hotel we looked up and could not believe our own eyes. There, walking towards us, was mister Löw himself. We knew he lives in Freiburg but we never even thought about randomly seeing him there! Not even for a second! But there he was! Whilst Christiane totally lost her nerves i recollected mine and took her hand. All i said was " i know." I took her hand, turned around and we'd follow him. I grabbed my camera and called "Mister Löw?" He instantly turned around and i asked for a picture. He was polite enough to say yes although he was with a friend of his and although we were disturbing his leisure time. Christiane and I are still talking about that one random meeting and we will probably still be doing so in 50 years...
Afterwards we finally went to the black forest, 45 minutes from Freiburg. Actually, we got lost on the way and even spend 1 or 2 minutes in France :D But when we were driving through the black forest i was just stunned by the beautiful nature. The air was hot, sun was shining, Amy MacDonald CD on, windows down and we were just driving up these tiny roads on the mountain. It was so beautiful that i ended up in tears of happiness. Back in Freiburg we had a lovely dinner and romantacized about that beautiful day.

Day 5: Was pretty relaxing. We were spending the last day in the city, climbed up the cathedral stairs up to the top and spend most of the time in the so called "Bächle", tiny water streams that float all over the old city centre, where you can just relax in the sun and cool your feet. In the evening i had to say goodbye to Christiane at the station - we were both in tears - and afterwards i met another friend of mine to get to France. This may sound weird but it isn't as the French region "Alsace" is only 40 minutes by car from Freiburg. I stayed in lovely Kaysersberg with my Couchsurfer who was really nice :-) Kaysersberg is an incredibly old and beautiful town. At night, the 3 of us climbed up the castle which is located on a hill above the town. I sat on top, all alone, summer wind in my hair , staring at the city lights which were "dancing" in the summer heat. The next day, my friend and i were sightseeing Colmar and then i went back all the 600 kilometres to Erfurt -by car.

I still think Freiburg is the most beautiful place i have ever been to and i want to go back - not as a tourist but to live there. Give me two or three years and i swear i will be living down there ;)
For now - enjoy the pictures and the most horrible video i ever created. I really didn't put much effort in it - i was too lazy :D sorryyyy ..but it shows some really nice moments like the last part of the can see how our hands were shaking after meeting Jogi Löw
TourDeDreams from Unbilo ontherun on Vimeo.