I had 7 days left to find my outfit for the show, i wanted it to be perfect. And as for a lucky coincidence someone could lend me a beautiful dress! I think i will ask her if i can buy it, to use it for more medieval/folk events in the future :-)
Two days ago i found myself being on stage with some brilliant artists like Johnny Logan, Corvus Corax and Judy Weiss!! It was my first big stage experience (and big it was, it took place in the largest concert hall of Thuringia) but it felt so good! I wasn't even too excited, i think the excitement lasted for about 5 pre-stage minutes but it was gone as soon as i stood next to Merlin in the Arthur marriage scene. We then followed King Arthur and his wife walking through the audience. Great stuff! I didn't want it to end and i certainly do not want this to be my last stage experience. I never knew acting could be so much fun! It is not about the attention one gets, it is the feeling of being someone completely different and forgetting everything around you! The role is taking over you before you know it.
When i wasn't on stage i watched the show and it was AMAZING! Especially Michael Mendl in the role of Merlin and Thomas Seitl! You guys made the show perfect! :)
I also met some great people who got chosen for the perfomance as well ( huge shout to Rebecca!! :D )
Having breakfast the morning after the show i read the newspaper as i usually do and guess what I found in there ;-)
And some more pics of the lovely folks I've been with, Rebecca on the first pic, Lukas (who is a friend of mine since 4 years) and me on the second :D